laminate CARE

Keep your floor looking its best.

Wiping a floor with a floor wiper | New York Carpets & Flooring

Daily care & maintenance

Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential for preserving the beauty and longevity of laminate flooring. Regularly removing dust, dirt, and debris prevents scratches and surface damage, ensuring your floors maintain their pristine appearance over time. Sweep your flooring—how often depends on how much foot traffic your room receives. Damp mopping is also an effective way to keep laminate flooring clean and looking its best.

Dealing with laminate spills & stains

In the event of spills or stains on your laminate flooring, prompt action is crucial to prevent lasting damage. Quickly wipe spills using a clean, dry cloth to prevent moisture from seeping into the laminate. Avoid using harsh cleaning agents or abrasive materials that could scratch or damage the surface. Instead, refer to your manufacturer's guide for tailored recommendations and solutions to effectively treat stains without compromising the integrity of your laminate or voiding your warranty.

Laminate floor cleaning | New York Carpets & Flooring